I absolutely LOVE this bag! As long as they keep making it, I will probably only ever buy this bag again. It's so nice! I only bought the BIB (Bag in a bag), as it is technically an insert for an outer shell, but you don't have to buy both. The bib functions as a great purse on it's own. I am a person who carries her life with her in her purse- wherever she goes. It's big enough to carry all of the essentials, and then some! Make up bag, pens, glasses, notebooks, wallet, phone charger, water bottle, etc. This bib purse is so functionally organized and spacious. I have had mine for over a year now - and I'm not easy on it- and it has held up, exceptionally well. It also "stands up" unlike other purses. I wish I had known about this brand sooner. I had to do a lot of research to find the "perfect" purse- but I am so glad I finally did!
The only issue I have had, is the leather "camel" color leather is starting to strip off my handles on the thin side. But that's it! If I were to ever damage the bag itself, I would just buy a different color of the outer shell- so you can mix and match! Top Notch Quality. HIGHLY recommend! <3 <3 <3 Thank you, TT!